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Learning Technology Guidelines

As part of developing the Learning Technology Guidelines (LT Guidelines), a Guideline Working Group will be formed of members from a representative set of organizations in the ILC Network. This working group will create and disseminate the LT Guidelines in an iterative inclusive process soliciting input from the organizations in the ILC and from consumers who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.

Successive Working Group meetings will be held to discuss and achieve consensus on Learning Technology Guidelines. The ATRC will coordinate these meetings, making the schedule available on this website. Some of the meetings will be in person and others electronically. Meetings will be supported by appropriate accessible technology. In-person meetings will be supported with sign language interpreters and captioning. Electronically-mediated meetings will be supported by a synchronous text chat tool, teleconferencing and/or IP video conferencing.

To support this process, the ILC website will provide:

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